In My Opinion - Worst Book in History of Books...

I just finished reading skimming the worst book in the history of books.  It was even worse than most Canadian history books.  Half way through the book – the history of the fur trade in Canada was starting to look VERY appealing to me.  
The description provided by Amazon was intriguing, so I thought I would give it a “go”.  Never ever have I bothered to check the page count of a book.  This is one mistake I will never make again.  It was 912 pages of mind numbing boredom.  Lesson learned:  just because it says “paperback” doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to be an easy read.  I should mention that it wasn’t a standard paperback either – it measured 8.5 x 11 – it was HUGE!  Which means those 912 pages contained a lot of crap.
I’ve never given up on finishing a book I’ve started – unless you can count “Darwin’s – Origin of the Species”, but I don’t count that one since it was WAAAAYY beyond my level of concentration capabilities.  Don’t judge – I was going through my intellectual phase.  Good thing it didn’t last too long…
Anyhow, this one on the other hand screamed “QUIT ME”, “THROW ME OUT THE CAR WINDOW” written all over it.  I contemplated giving up and using it as a door stop around pages 263, 275, 420, 500 through 750, etc. etc., but I’m stubborn and chose to muster through.  It was awful - worst experience of my life! 
What was said in 912 pages could have easily been summed up in well under 300 pages, which of course, would have made it manageable and maybe tolerable.  Maybe, but I have my doubts.  What the hell was I thinking?  Obviously I wasn’t…
Disclaimer:   This is not an official review.  Good or bad, the opinions expressed here are my own. I may or may not be overly judgmental.  If you decide to venture where I went before, do so at your own risk and don’t say I didn’t warn you. 


raydenzel1 said…
That has happened to me also, but not very often. I get mad that I made a poor choice. But it is a one in a hundred for me. Never the less, I feel your pain!
Brian Miller said…
nice. i will stay away from this one...very far away...
Raven said…
I'll stay away from this one too. The only way I could stick with a book for over 900 pages is if it was especially riveting and exciting.
JennAventures said…
Good long book= Forever Amber (I could not put it down). Bad long book = Story of Edgar Sawtelle

There is nothing more disheartening than reading a BAD long book. I'll stay away from this one cupcake!
k said…
Thank you for the warning...I usually check page count and whew 912 pages is LLOOOOOONNNGG!!

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