Where Has The Time Gone?

I was cleaning up the hard drive from my old computer – trying to organize the zillions of photos that are stored in no particular order, when I came across this little gem.
I remember the day it was taken - the peaceful calm of the early morning hour, the stillness of a 6 year old boy – my 6 year old in contemplation of what his life or day may hold.  This is the same young boy that successfully got his “big boy” driver’s license on Wednesday. Time may fly, but this memory will stand still forever…


Brindy said…
What a wonderful photo and a wonderful memory. They are to be cherished.
Brian Miller said…
wow. great pic and great memory...
Miss Angie said…
I love pictures. I love looking back on them. I think that's what they are for. For those moments when we forget to stop and take stock of what we have had because either now is too hectic or the future is daunting.
Roller Coaster said…
I'm your newest follower from Follow Friday. Nice to meet you! Have a great weekend, and hope you can visit me soon!

Jennifer said…
New follower from FF!

Beautiful picture! I look forward to coming back and seeing more!

~ Jennifer
Silvia said…
That really is a jewel! Makes me wonder... My boy is growing older too.
Rebecca S. said…
Very sweet. My big boy has his 'L' now. Boy do they grow up fast. Sigh...

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