Random Tuesday Thoughts...


  • Does anyone else think Dancing With The Stars is scraping the bottom of the barrel with their choices of “Stars” for this upcoming season?  Not that I watch the show to begin with, but now that Kate Gosselin and Pamela Anderson are appearing, I won’t be tuning in anytime soon – not even out of morbid curiosity to see which bimbo gets the boot first.   And what are they thinking putting Buzz Aldrin on the show?  I know he is a great American icon, but let’s leave it at that…
  • I haven’t seen the movie Avatar, so I can’t speak with any great authority, but I’m glad it didn’t win any of the major Oscar awards.  James Cameron may be Canadian, so you’d think I would have been rooting for him, but he is also the same man that brought us Titanic and that I cannot EVER forgive him for.
  • Work is extremely boring these days.  More so than usual.  Maybe it’s the in between seasonal weather or maybe it’s my co-workers that are boring me…either way – I’m bored.
  • My son didn’t get early acceptance into his #1 college program choice.  All is not lost, as he did get into his 2nd and 3rd choices.   The reason – “his Grade 11 English marks did not meet the level required for early acceptance”.   He hasn’t lost hope altogether though, as the college is waiting for his Grade 12 midterm English mark to see if he’ll qualify for late acceptance.  It’s been a bit of an eye-opener for him and a great life lesson.   As parents, we can only “badger” so much about the value of good grades and now, the lesson has been learned. 
  • You’d be happy to know that with my son - I took the high road and as much as I wanted to, I did not say “I told you so.”  There’s enough salt in the wounds…for now.  I’m such a great mom.
  • I’ve been suffering from some sort of allergy.  One can only assume it has something to do with the change of seasons.  I live in Canada and it’s not like the trees are blooming and the pollen is pollinating – at least not yet.  I’m blaming it on the fact that the sap has started running from the maple trees and it’s now “maple syrup season” in the Great White North.   I hate maple syrup, so it’s entirely possible that I could be allergic to that shit…
For more randomness, be sure to visit The Un Mom...


I am Harriet said…
I was kinda thinking about that myself (Dancing). Kate Gosselin? who's watching the kids?

Brian Miller said…
you are a great mom for that...it may still happen...
Anonymous said…
I think Dancing with stars started out on the bottom. TV these days is a lot of bottom feeders. That's why I watch cable.
Grade 11 English. You gotta be kidding me. Why would they look at that? What kind of people do they want? Super nerds? Ya gotta live real life sometime.
It's very good that you did not say "I told you so." Probably the four most hated and unkind and unnecessary and self serving and I guess you get my drift.
I've no interest in watching Avatar, but I did see Titanic on cable and sort of liked it.
Okay,I liked it. ppllllltt
Mara said…
Refraining from saying "told you so," how adult of you. :)
Robin said…
Yeah I dont know about Kate Gosselin...I dont know if I want to see her every week..isn't it hard sometimes not to say I told ya so..I can refrain from doing it to my kids, but not the hubs...LOL..!Enjoy tHe DaY..!
Stacy Uncorked said…
I'm with you - I haven't watch DWTS before, and with the choices this year? Definitely won't be starting.

Sorry about your son not getting early acceptance to his #1 college program choice - and good for you not going with the 'I told you so' route. Hopefully I'll take the high road should Princess Nagger continue to not listen into high school age. ;)
Beatriz said…
I am not a fan of maple syrup either, cool it comes from trees but it is way too sweet and sticky for pancakes.

And yes you are a great mom! Mine would have said, "I told you so."
Roller Coaster said…
Pamela Anderson is going to be on Dancing? Definitely not watching. And how long is Kate Gosselin going to stretch her 15 minutes? I'm so over her. Those poor children.
Maude Lynn said…
I've never forgiven Cameron for Titanic, either.
Michele said…
Good luck to your son.

James Cameron = I don't think I've seen anything he's done but the whole Titanic thing turns me off.
raydenzel1 said…
There might be a betting line on which boob doesn't make! or pops out?
Hey, nicely Randomed!

I haven't watched DWTS yet. I've never even seen Baywatch or Jon & Kate plus whatever, either! Why start now?

nice to meet you!
Terra Heck said…
Kate Gosselin is bound to keep the money flowing and publicity showing one way or another. Happy RTT.
TS Hendrik said…
Definitely scraping the barrel.

I used to suffer allergies when I lived up in Canada with the changing of the seasons, then I moved down to Tennessee, only to find it's one of the worst places to live with allergies. I empathize.
Sarah said…
Ha - I hate maple syrup too! I eat my pancakes with a little butter or spray butter and that's it!

I am a pathetic person - I still watch dancing with the stars. In my defense though, last season, I didn't see several of the last episodes. I think I partially watch it out of boredom. Maybe I could take that time and do more scrapbooking this season!
Rebecca S. said…
I hate the TITANIC, too. I was up all night with visions of floating dead people after I watched that long-winded movie. So not worth it!
You are a good mom if you refrained from 'I told you so', and good luck to your son.

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