Turkeys and Beavers...

Thanks goodness today is Friday and the weekend is merely hours away. 
It’s been an odd week on more than one front – at the beginning of the week, I was bored out of my tree and then yesterday, I had to work overtime.   I’m not complaining - it was nice to be busy for a change. 
As I mentioned in an earlier post this week, I’ve been suffering from some sort of seasonal allergies.  When I wake up in the morning, my eyes feel like I’ve been drinking tequila the night before and once I’m able to pry them open, they start to water uncontrollably.  I haven’t been able to wear mascara for days…it’s that bad.  My co-workers seriously think I’m going through some sort of “marital” issue…
Anyhow, the weeping and oozing usually lasts until the allergy meds kick in – usually a couple of hours.  As you can imagine this impairment is affecting my vision and I think the meds are starting to make me hallucinate. 
This morning, I was about 10 minutes into my drive and when I spot something on the side of the road.  It’s almost Spring, so my first thoughts are of roadkill…most likely a skunk.   As I get closer, I realize the thing is way too big to be a skunk.  As I get right beside it - it makes a dash across the road, but its depth perception is off because the thing runs into the side of my car.  I stop my car and I roll down my window.  At first I can’t figure out what it is and then it gets up and starts gobbling and runs off into the woods.   It was a freaking wild turkey!  A wild turkey just hit the side of my car and manages to get up and run away.   That’s some crazy shit…
I check my car – no damage.  I wipe the tears from my eyes and continue on my way.  At about the 30 minute mark, I notice something else in the middle of the road – it’s small this time and moving incredibly slowly.  I think to myself “what the hell now and what the hell is a turtle doing in the middle of the road in March?”   But to my surprise, it’s not a turtle, not a skunk, not a squirrel, not a turkey or cat.   As I’m squinting through the tears, I spot its tail and guess what?  It was a beaver!
Normally beavers are not found as far south as I travel, but there is no other explanation.  Well there might be one or two… I wasn’t wearing my glasses and I couldn’t see worth shit, but other than those two minor details – I swear to God, it was a beaver!

Only in Canada folks…


Miss Angie said…
Wow! All sorts of wildlife just following you around today!
Anonymous said…
A beaver? And a turkey? All in one day? I rarely see any animals 'cept for dead ones. So I think it's pretty cool when you get to see live ones near a road.
raydenzel1 said…
On occasion, here in South Florida, we will see an alligator cross the road.
JennAventures said…
I'm glad I'm not cruising the roads with you!
Maude Lynn said…
That is one tough turkey!
I agree with JennA... Glad you're in Canada... Cruising blindly into semi endangered species!
Mara said…
Where do you live, the wild kingdom?
CrazyCris said…
totally crazy and awesome! I've never seen either of those outside of a zoo!

but definitely must make for an odd wakeup call in the morning! ;o)
Sylvia said…
Well, I guess they woke up and were still dizzy. I always wonder why they like to be on the roads and risk to be killed! Too bad, poor creatures!
Brian Miller said…
its like an episode of when animals attack...lol. sorry to hear about the funk...hope you have a great weekend!
lady macleod said…
It sounds as if you were making your way through a Disney movie - perhaps minus the problem with your eyes, but then again, angst is called for before the happy ending eh?

Allergies are horrid! Have you tried one of those natural remedy things that you pour the salty water through your nasal passages? I've not gone there, but hear it does work for some.
Rachel said…
That is crazy! I hit a raccoon on the way home from school last week. It was humongous!
Rebecca S. said…
Ugh. Allergies. But beaver and turkey sightings? Priceless!
Eddy said…
Girl, this post is too funny, mostly because I've had the pleasure (uh, not so much) of being awakened by wild turkeys crying out in the middle of the night. I kid you not!! They sounded like puppies yelping in agony. I just about had a damn heart attack! Then there was the time I saw a parade of them ( I counted 12 in total). It was "wild" alright. lol

- Eddy

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