A Real Sick Day...

It's been at least 6 years, but the dreaded "day" has finally arrived.  Today, I took a sick day. 

Not one of those pretend sick days that I take in the middle of summer when I just want to lay around on my deck or head out for a day at the beach.  Nope, this one is the real deal.  

I felt less than stellar when I hopped out of bed this morning, but attributed my assey feeling to it being a Monday.   Mondays do that to me.  It wasn't until I got the "bed spins" when I was standing vertical in the shower that I realized perhaps something was amiss.  

Realizing I couldn't safely make the commute to work with my head spinning the way it was, I sent my boss an e-mail and crawled back into bed.  

I don't really care if his first thoughts were that I was up late celebrating Canada's Olympic hockey win.  I wish that was the reason...I can deal with "hangover stupidity", but I can't deal with being sick.  I wasted a sick day for nothing...


Miss Angie said…
Ugh, I know how that feels! I just missed three days of work for being sick, not fun. It was soooo lame!
Anonymous said…
It seems like everyone I know isn't feeling that great. I hope you feel better soon. Being sick is no fun.
Brian Miller said…
ack. hope you feel better!
CrazyCris said…
ugh! the bed dizzies doesn't sound good... :o( hope they're gone soon!!!
Boo for sick days actually spent in bed! Rest up and enjoy the snuggliness...summer fun days will be here soon!
Rachel said…
The last time I took a "sick day" I had to take a REAL sick day the next day. That sucked. Hope you feel better soon!
k said…
Boo on being sick!! Sorry to hear that. Get well soon!!
Lorac said…
Sorry to hear that but don't worry! I partied enough for all of us! Get better soon!
Yes, it sucks to have to spend a sick day actually sick!!! Is it a flu? Hope you're better soon :)

Holli in Ghana

PS - I LOVE the look of your site. I feel like I'm on the beach just visiting!
Sarah said…
Sorry you are sick! We are sick too. The kiddo has an ear infection. Booo. Hope you feel better soon!

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