What Were They Thinking?

Words cannot express my feelings - WTH?  Not that I follow the fashion of the skating world, but I do know that this was a faux pas.  Shame on their costume designer...


Maude Lynn said…
I have no words . . .
Mara said…
That blue works for a wig, but not couples' body suits....
Miss Angie said…
LOL, it does look really weird...
Brian Miller said…
err...we have the same pajamas...
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry. I don't get it.
JennAventures said…
Figure Skating outfits shouldnt look like Lady Gaga broke into the dressing room.
Sylvia said…
Yes, I know what you mean. I've always been a fan of Artistic Skating, and the costume makes a huge difference. But perhaps they had no budget. Or perhaps they really desperately wanted to look different...
Sarah said…
LOL! Yeah that is pretty bad. We actully have been watching quite a bit of they olympics but I did miss these outfit. Nice. Looks like some blue space suits or something.
I think the key is they weren't thinking! LOL

I have a special award at my place for you. Stop by and pick it up.
♥ Braja said…
Yeah, like....wow....
k said…
Hilarious indeed!
Rebecca S. said…
Yeah, they look weird, but David Pelletier didn't have to go on and on about it!

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