Even Though My Husband Doubts It - I Have A Beautiful Heart...

A big thank you goes out to Miss Angie @ My So-Called Chaos for this wonderful award.   It’s always nice to receive awards, comments, treats, flowers, jewelry…you get the picture...gifts of any kind are welcomed here.  Thank you Miss Angie!
Make sure you visit Miss Angie @ My So-Called Chaos.  I should mention she shares fabulous recipes with her readers, so what other incentive to you need to pay her a visit.

1. List 4 things that keep your inner self beautiful.
2. List 4 things that keep you physically beautiful.
3. Tell us about a precious memory you keep close to your heart. [Optional]
4. Share this award with 5 other people that you think have a beautiful heart too.
5. Link the blogs of the people you chose and link the person's blog who awarded you.
6. Have fun!
#1 - How do I keep my inner self beautiful?

I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for others that need it.
I believe that you will never achieve inner happiness if you don’t stand up for yourself and your beliefs.  It’s okay to say “no” on occasion.  People may be shocked initially, but they’ll get over it and if they don’t – tough luck for them.  Don’t sell yourself short for the sake of others…

I tell my family that I love them every day.
Some days, it's tougher than others, but leaving them with kind words, makes me feel special.

I find humor in everything – myself, my circumstances, my family, my job. 
I believe that if you don’t make fun of yourself, someone else will, so make sure you give them plenty of ammunition.  Have fun with everything life brings your way.

I don’t stress over things I can’t control and most stuff, I can’t control. 
I had a boss tell me once “Life’s too short to sweat the small stuff and in the grand scheme of things, it’s all small stuff”.  Whether you believe that statement to be true, it has worked for me.

#2 - How do I keep myself physically beautiful?

I take afternoon naps on the weekend.
Friends laugh at me for this, but I firmly believe in afternoon naps and plan my weekend accordingly.  A nap puts everything into perspective and has fixed many bad moods in my household.  A nap is my equivalent of a “timeout” for a 2 year old.

I take care of myself.
Even though I loathe vegetables, I force myself to eat healthy.  I also exercise regularly – although I hate that too!

I smile often.
“Keep smiling - it makes people wonder what you've been up to.”  ~Author Unknown

I stay positive.
We all have our ups and downs, but dwelling on negativity just breeds more negativity.  You have to be able to let go of the past to look to the future. 

#3 - A precious memory I keep close to my heart.

This one is a tough one.  I have so many memories that are equally special to me and since this one is optional, I’m not going to try to narrow it down and put it into words.  Maybe another day, another blog…

#4 & #5 - The beautiful people I'm sharing the Award with.

There are too many blogs to choose from, so I give everyone who reads this post, the opportunity to snag it for themselves.

You are all beautiful! 


Miss Angie said…
You're very welcome! And you DO have a beautiful heart!
JennAventures said…
I liked the requirements for this award...
@Miss Angie - Thanks!

@JennAventures - I agree, I really liked this one - it was fun.
Naps are one of life's greatest little luxuries, I'm convinced.
Brian Miller said…
i feel pretty...i like to smile too..like your list. congrats on the award!
@Amber Page Writes - I agree 100%!

@Brian - You are very pretty...in a manly sort of way!
Sylvia said…
Oh, great. Congratulations. You have a beautiful heart and a fantastic mind, I would say. :) P.S. Our awesome waves are still waiting for you.

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