Woooo Hoooo - An Award....

I received this The Best Follower Award from Susan @ Country Gone City. Who knew it was okay to stalk people? Apparently it is okay and they are handing out awards for it now! Well maybe it’s not okay if there is a restraining order in place, but nonetheless – thanks Susan for the award.

If you’re looking for some southern hospitality and wisdom, make sure you stop by and pay her blog a visit. I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

So without further adieu…here are the facts about me:

What is your current obsession?

Vacations and jewelry making. I’m always obsessing about vacations and as for jewelry making, I don’t have the slightest clue where to start, but it’s something I’ve always wanted to try, so I’ve ordered the supplies and am waiting for the “creativity” to hit me.

What are you wearing today?

Jeans, a sweater and black boots. That’s the one thing I like about my job – my attire is considered “dressed up” in comparison to the geeks that I work with that think sandals and socks are perfectly acceptable for the office.

What’s for dinner?

I don’t have a clue. I’m trying to lose a few pounds, so I can guarantee it won’t contain a side of gravy and that it will be shitty – something with lettuce I suppose.

What’s the last thing you bought?

Ooooohhh, just yesterday, I bought a new bra. Exciting right?

What do you think about the person who tagged you?

She’s super funny, sassy, honest and genuine. I love her “down home” sense of humor. She's a younger version of me... She hooked me up with George from the Schumpert Hospital Menu Line and for that, I’m forever grateful. If you don’t know who George is – you are missing out on your smile for the day.

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?

Bonaire, Netherland Antilles. It’s a great island, with great people, great scuba diving and warm weather all year round.

What are your must-have pieces for summer?

Does lots of ice cold beer count?

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?

Home for a nap. I love naps.

Who do you want to meet right now?

I would love to meet Sean Connery and Gerard Butler. But if we are being realistic, I would like to meet some of my bloggy friends.

What is your favorite color?


What’s your favorite spectator sport?

I love to watch lacrosse. I’m not even sure what the actual rules of the game are, but who cares. I can’t explain it, but there is something very compelling about watching grown men running around, hitting each other with sticks while trying to chase down a little ball.

What is your dream job?

I would love to own my own boat and operate a deep sea fishing business from my dream home on Bonaire.

What’s your favorite magazine?

I have two – National Geographic Traveler and National Geographic. I love National Geographic Traveler for the articles and National Geographic for the photos.

What do you consider a fashion faux pas?

Ummm, I have so many pet peeves on this one, but the top ones are wearing socks with sandals or wearing pajama bottoms in public. Oh, I also hate saggy jeans – pull up your freaking pants people before I decide to “pants” you.

What kind of haircut do you prefer?

Something that’s easy to maintain, but something that makes me look awesome. I’m not a morning person, so it definitely needs to be low maintenance.

What are your favorite movies?

Bucket List

Run Fat Boy Run


The Blindside

What inspires you?

I agree with Susan on this one - People who strive to make a difference in the lives of others.

What do your friends call you most commonly?

A couple of my male friends call me Trouble (true story), but most just call me Sharman (it’s pronounced like the toilet paper). Yes, I know that my parents were cruel.

Would you prefer coffee or tea?

Most of the time, I prefer coffee, but only in the morning.

What makes you go wild?

Rudeness, arrogance, laziness and disorganization.

Which other blogs do you love visiting?

Oh wow, there are too many to choose from, so I would refer you to the sidebar of my blog – each one is different, but entertaining just the same. If they weren’t, I wouldn’t be following them.

Favorite Dessert/Sweet?

Get ready for this, but I don’t really like sweets, but if I had to choose, it would be Cherry Cheesecake.

Favorite Season?

Summer! I love everything about it – the warmth, sunshine, green grass, the beach (except for the sand), sunsets, sunglasses, barbecues and beer.

When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

I’m usually not awake enough to comprehend what I’m seeing in the mirror but this morning, I thought “boy my ass looks bigger than usual in these jeans”.

What brings a smile to your face instantly?

Orangutans and Gerber Daisies

What would you do if you were made President for one day?

I’d take a ride in Air Force One.

Rules for those who are tagged: Respond and rework – answer these questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own, and add one more question to the list. Then tag eight or ten other new set of people.

My Faithful Followers - please grab your award...(I broke the rules already - I only listed 6)

Sarah @ Our Happy Life

K13 @ Someday I'll Get There

Señorita Andalucíana @ The Decline of Youth and The Beginning of Me

Renée @ Renée's World

MJ @ In So Many Words

CrazyCris @ Here and There and Everywhere


Joshua said…
Congrats! I got this award the other day, too. Not sure when I'll get to the 40 some questions though.
Brian Miller said…
congrats on the award. mirrors alway make things look bigger. smiles.
@Joshua - I never would have got through these answers; however when the boss is away...

@Brian - Just like my scales, my mirror is faulty!
Hey Lady Bug! Update on George with Schumpert Menu Line--- he had a news exclusive, where it was mentioned that people were calling from all 50 states and Canada... could that be you? And... he has two fan pages on facebook. I am going to do a bloggy update with the website to see the news story. Glad I could introduce the two of you. With the day I've had today... I'm going to be calling. Loved learning more great things about you.
Sylvia said…
Eheheh! Brilliant as always. One can't help samiling with your fantastic writing. Congratulations, anyway. Me and my husband, we are always stalking you!
Sarah said…
You are so lucky you can wear jeans! We don't even get jeans Friday's anymore, but we did at my old job. Glad you can get to your blog at work too! We have such strict rules that we can't even use most internet sites at work - which is why I always post at night! :)

Thanks for tagging me with the award! I will have to post this tonight!
Congrats on your award..well deserved!

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