I've Got Nothing...

Everything is boring today - my job, my co-workers and even (*gasp*) my lunch...


Brian Miller said…
smiles. some days that is not a bad thing...
Miss Angie said…
Yeah, somedays, that's a good way to be!

Except when you want to write a blog though... LOL
@Brian - Except for the fact that I have a boring lunch, I totally agree with you.
@ Angie - You're right. Although I think I have a lot to say, I don't have enough energy to formulate my thoughts.
Sylvia said…
I know! I felt like that for such a long time!...
Sarah said…
Wow - love the new look of your blog - how fun! It is so bright and inviting!

I hear ya on the 'i've got nothin' thing. That is why my post from last night was so boring and factual. Haha.

Maybe this week will bring some excitement - who knows? All I know is I need my long weekend to get here fast! :) Hope your week goes fast for you too!

Oh and if it makes you feel any better - my lunch is always boring.
Rachel said…
Your background is so pretty!
Rebecca S. said…
I'll add my voice to the chorus of praise for the new look. Gorgeous, and definitely not boring. I can handle anything except a boring lunch :)
CrazyCris said…
woah! am I in the right place?! (first reaction)
love the new look! ;o)

and nothing going on isn't always a bad thing, right? :p
me either...had nothing for some days now. Mental block....yikes.
f8hasit said…
I love the new look of your page! That's not boring!

Just an FYI...mylunch today is boring as well. Let's comiserate.
k said…
Ha! I love that sign....that's how my life it too!!
Juliana said…
Ha ha that sign is just one of the funniest things I have seen in awhile!

I am your newest follower I hope you will come by and follow back. I love meeting new bloggy friends. Juliana from A Blonde Walks Into A blog

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