
I’m still struggling with nothing. 

I typically have something to say, but certainly not today. 

My co-workers have developed the common sense to keep their mouths shut, so that material has dried up for the time being. 

There haven’t been any new management fiascos to focus my energy on, so I’m left with a gaping hole of nothingness on that front. 

It’s still winter and I’m sure that by now you have concluded that I despise winter, so there isn’t any new material there. 

I’ve completely lost the willingness to even log onto Facebook since certain “friends” have become a festering sore in my side. 

Truth be told, I’m getting a cold and am just not thinking clearly and everyone knows you need clarity if you’re going to intelligently rant about something. 

It’s pretty bad when I don’t even have the energy to muster up a single thing to bitch about. I’m going home to bed.


JennAventures said…
I call it the February blahs...
Anonymous said…
Wow....I love your new template. (: Sorry to hear that you are sick though. That's never fun. D:
CrazyCris said…
ugh! cold = fuzzy brain = useless brain... good luck!!! feel better soon!
Sarah said…
Oh that stinks! I hope you don't get too sick - I hate having colds. I hear you on the facebook thing. I just had to finally de-friend the people that were driving me crazy. I feel like that a lot too though, like I have nothing much to say.

Hope the rest of your week goes fast and that you get some good rest and feel better before you feel worse!
Brian Miller said…
hope the cold blows on through...i hate colds...

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