What Fresh Hell is This?

Oh wait, why am I surprised? I shouldn't be considering I live at the North Pole...

Here is a simulated view of what our parking lot at work looks like at the moment - if I actually had a camera...


Brian Miller said…
i am insanely jealous...
You're not THAT far from the GTA, are you? It's sunny and clear here (not trying to rub it in!)
@Brian - I think there might be something wrong with you. *joking* smiles...

@FG - We are only 1 hour west of the GTA, so maybe it's heading your way?
Anonymous said…
Sad isn't it? Here in Moncton, we didn't have any actually stick on the ground yet, it melted as it fell. We've been lucky so far, but I can sure feel it coming soon though.
Joshua said…
Looks fine with me. It's currently 70 something outside. Trade?

jb said…
SNOW!!!!! Oh, dear God, not yet!!! I don't have time to shovel it.

You have something waiting for you on my blog. :) Please stop by and pick it up when you have a chance.

f8hasit said…
I am still looking for our hats, gloves and boots I packed away for summer! It can't snow! I'm not ready!!!

Although it does cover up all the leaves that aren't raked yet. That's a bonus.
Mara said…
Snow? In November? This is why I can't and never will live any farther north than Philly.
Tom Bailey said…
I connected through another blogger. When I see photos like the second one I wonder ... is there a problem with the picture? Is that snow or in the air? Ice melting etc?

I like your blog.

Best regards
JennAventures said…
Thank you for following, BTW.

My best friend lives in Toronto, but went to school in London Ontaria. I grew up outside of Sarnia. This is INDEED the visual one sees when walking to their car.

The bright side? At least you haven't been "frozen" out of your car yet. That's always cute.
Judge Fudge said…
Christ, I hate winter! Thank God I'm too far south for it to snow.
We are south of Hamilton and no snow yet. Supposed to be 15 on Saturday...one can only hope. That is why I am flying south for Christmas.

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