Drum Roll Please...

Since the beginning of my humble Blogger beginnings, I have from time to time featured photos that have been taken by my husband, J.

The truth is - I rely heavily on J to capture the memories of both our daily and worldly adventures. If it wasn’t for him, I would live in a photo-less world, because honestly I cannot figure out how to work our television remote control, let alone a camera and then I’d have to upload the photos, resize them, etc, etc. It’s just far too much work…for me.

Now don’t get me wrong, I do actively participate in the photo-taking process. It’s less glamorous than actually being the photographer, but in the spirit of sharing responsibilities, he allows me to carry his camera equipment for him. I know! Isn’t he a peach?

Anyhooo, since it’s my hope and J’s dream that someday one of his photos will get published in a national magazine (aka National Geographic), he has decided to launch his very own blog in order to obtain a little more exposure (no pun intended), so without further adieu, I present - Imagine It Photos.

If you’re feeling adventurous, please stop by and take look….


Joshua said…
Thanks for the re-direct to your hubby's blog. I love good photography. Most excellent.

Brian Miller said…
nice will pop right over..
Brian Miller said…
ok, tried to leave him a comment but the word verification is cut off with no way to scroll down...maybe its just me. will try again in a bit...
@Joshua - Thanks Josh.

@Brian - Yeah, I tried as well and let him know of the problem. Please try it again. Thanks for visiting.
Anonymous said…
Ooh thanks for the pointing out his blog. I love looking at pictures. He's very good too so I'm excited to see what he will post next. (:
Mara said…
I have a friend that used to do color-retouching as a contractor for Nat Geo. I'd be happy to ask him for any insight into the process for submitting photos for publishing. Let me know!
@Insanity - Thanks. Hopefully he can keep everyone entertained.

@MJ - Any insight you could obtain would be greatly appreciated.
Sylvia said…
Very nice! I loved the donkeys, specially that one with his nose on the camera.
Mike said…
Always up for a new blog!!
Anonymous said…
loved the pictures on your husband's blog

hey, I'm new!!!! come visit me
hope you like it
CrazyCris said…
I love that welcome donkey!
I can't wait to his underwater shots!
f8hasit said…
Superb photography.
Thanks for sharing it with us!

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