The Boy, An Update and Modern Warfare....

Instead of my son’s usual trip to Grandma and Grandpa’s when we leave for holidays, he opted to fend for himself and decided to stay at home alone. This was his first “home alone” experience and I’ll be honest, I was a little suspect of how things would turn out.

At the best of times, the boy isn’t the most attentive and is certainly not the most organized person I know. When I speak, he typically listens, but does not necessarily grasp the finer details of the conversation.

For example, I might say “We are leaving now, so please make sure you turn off the lights and lock the door when you leave.” What he hears is “We are leaving now, so turn off the lights.” He completely tunes out the most important part of the conversation – the instructions to “lock the door”.

Anyhow with his attention to detail, I was a little bit concerned that I would return home to an empty house or even nomadic gypsies residing in my backyard. Alas, this was not the case.

He actually managed to keep himself fed and watered and by the looks of my pantry and freezer, his friends too.

His laundry was done, the house was clean, the floors were vacuumed, and the dishes were done. Congratulations on a job well done!

There are however a couple of things that have yet to be explained – like why was a portion of the eves-trough hanging askew from the back of the house, where did all the air soft pellets scattered across my deck come from and why was their duct tape on my banana plant. I suspect all of the above were caused by some form of apocalyptic Call of Duty Modern Warfare role-playing - likely involving the roof of my house; however something’s are better left unknown and ignorance is bliss.


Anonymous said…
LOL! Teen boys!
Brian Miller said…
some things are better left unquestioned. at least thats what i used to tell mu mom. smiles.
Mike said…
Not too bad, at least you did not find rolling papers and beer bottles!
The way I see it, the house is still standing and he is alive. JOb well done, bravo, bravo!
Bobby Allan said…
Hey, if I came back to a vacuumed house, I would ignore the rest.
JennAventures said…
I'm sure you'll find out in about five years what "really" happened. My brothers are both in their late thirties and the truth continues to come out.
Rebecca S. said…
It sounds like your son did really well, and when the cat's away the mice will play...and eat!
k said…
Ha!! That is hilarious! I think you fared quite well, though all things considered!!

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