Shameless Promotion...

As my Monday begins, my mind begins to wander. O.K. to be honest, it doesn’t really wander - it takes a vacation from reality. Shocking, isn’t it?

As with most of my daydreams, I’m soon thinking about things like winning the lottery, quitting my job, buying a boat, travelling the world, but not necessarily on the boat I purchase, buying a vacation home and before I know it, I’m contemplating the need for a vacation.

Did someone mention a vacation? Oh wait …that was me…

First, let me say this is not a paid (or solicited) promotion, but I am willing to accept any kickbacks that may come my way. You too can have your product or service featured (especially if I like what you’re offering)…LOL

Seriously, if you happen to find yourself in need of an extraordinary Caribbean holiday and let’s face it, we all NEED a Caribbean holiday, my new virtual friend Ann will assist you with all of your travel arrangements and believe me - she has first hand knowledge of all great places sunny, sandy, windy and salty. I’m not just saying that to be nice (although I am), but I am in fact speaking from experience – she’s been making dreams happen for over 23 years, including mine.

My Anguilla Bliss or Bonaire Bliss or Antigua Bliss

Take a moment to pop by these blogs and have a look – even if you aren’t looking for a getaway today, you may find something of interest for tomorrow. Pure Bliss...


Anonymous said…
awwwwww..Sharman..I appreciate the plug. I also have

Ann, sorry I forgot one - it's been added...
Brian Miller said…
ahhh...dreaming of the carribean...we went on a cruise a few years back...can't wait to go to hit the links! keep day dreaming!
Anonymous said…
I'd love to go on vacation right about now... lol

I've tagged you by the way :)

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