My Rant of the Afternoon...

I’m sure many of you know what it feels like to work in a cubicle. How is it possible that the lack of personal space can manage to suck the life out of someone on daily basis? Why is it that people believe that a cubicle has the same noise retention qualities as offices? Last time I checked, cubicles didn’t have a door. Get a clue people – those around you can hear everything you say and can really appreciate how stupidly irritaing you sound. It drives me crazy…

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I read contracts for a living and to top things off - because of the boring work, I can be easily distracted and background noise is totally counterproductive for me. Until today, my area of cubicle village has remained relatively quiet. That is until my new neighbor moved in. She hasn’t shut up since she got here this morning.

Hopefully the abundance of her flirty blabbering is caused by it being her first day in a new environment and it is not a sign of things to come. I will give her the benefit of the doubt – at least for today, but as of tomorrow, I’m not making any promises and she better shut the hell up.


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