Random Tuesday Thoughts...Retired People, In-Laws, Iron Man 2

A few weeks ago, the Dr. ordered some blood tests for me but because they involved fasting for 12 hours, I put it off until this morning.   The lab opened at 8:00 and was packed – with retired people.
Why are the retired people the first in line for everything?  Since they don’t have to get up and go to work, one would think they would take the opportunity to relax in the mornings.  No, instead they choose to socialize at the lab.  Go figure…
I can guarantee that when I retire, I will not be hanging out at the lab in the mornings.  I figure myself more of a coffee shop sort of person or maybe a mall walker.  Hell, who am I kidding?  I don’t like small talk and certainly don’t enjoy the mall…or exercise…
Iron Man 2 was FANTASTIC!  Usually sequels are never as good as the first ones; however Iron Man 2 is the exception.  Robert Downey Jr. is dreamy.  I recommend you go see him it.
I found out that my in-laws are leaving this morning for a cross-border shopping trip.  For the normal family, this isn’t unusual; however my MIL is a wee bit OCD about traveling without being accompanied by other adults.  I don’t know how they will manage with the border crossing interrogation.  I suspect she’ll crack and confess to crimes she didn’t even commit.  We may never see them again….
My BF is currently scuba diving in my favor place on earth – Bonaire.  Normally, I’m not a jealous person, but I can honestly say that I REALLY dislike her at the moment.  She’s probably not even thinking about me…she's selfish that way.
I should get back to work before the internet Nazis come looking for me.  Happy RTT!
Looking for more random?  If so, stop on over and visit The Un Mom...


VandyJ said…
I think I'm jealous of her too--5-9 inches of snow comning our way tonight. Some place warm and sandy is sounding good right now.
Simply Suthern said…
My mom and dad are retired. They make all their appointments at the crack of dawn. Of course they meet all their friends at the fish camp for dinner at 4 in the afternoon. in bed by 8.

I would love to dive. I've dreamed of it for years. I dont think I like your BF right now either. LOL
Brian Miller said…
nice cant wait to see Iron Man...for different reasons though...lol.

dont you just love friends like that. smiles.
raydenzel1 said…
sure, you say that now, but when your older.....
Miss Footloose said…
I've heard retired people don't sleep much and are up at four, so by eight am they must be hankering for some chit chat.

I'm not going to retire and I'm going to spend my later years in a healthy place dancing and drinking wine and having no need for hanging out at doctor's offices. So there.
k said…
I love your posts - they never fail to make me laugh.

I'd like to go somewhere warm and sandy as well...let's go!!
Brindy said…
I am technically retired now, and I'm hardly ever out of my dressing gown much before 9am, and definitely not seen in public before 10!

I'll have to wait a while for Ironman 2 to reach Spain in English, I shall look forward to it sometime around Christmas!
CrazyCris said…
Glad you enjoyed Iron Man too! I thought it was a blast!!!

Jacqui, Iron Man 2 hit Spain before the US! I saw it on opening night here in Alicante! As for English... that's possible in some cities (not mine sadly)
Sarah said…
So first of all - CONGRATS on your jewelry and that nifty looking website - I was so impressed! That is amazing that you are entreprenurial (is that a word?) enough to do this - I don't think I ever could!

Also, I have to admit, my best friend has been on two trips recently and I am still mad at her because we haven't been out of the state in like a year! I actually had the nerve to yell at my husband last night for not taking me anywhere - I am mean! :)

I want to see Iron Man 2 also! Maybe a good date movie!?

I don't think I will ever be a mall walker either! :)

Happy Tuesday and have a great rest of the week!

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