Random Tuesday Thoughts

Today’s version of Random Thoughts is all about honesty.

I’m always excited to see Christmas come, but I’ll be honest – I’m equally excited to see it go. I like it when my version of normalcy returns, as skewed as it may be. Although when I receive my credit card statement, I’ll be wishing I was permanently living in an alternate dimension.

Today is the first day back at work since December 23rd and I’m going to say that it is AWESOME to be here for a few reasons. Reason one - I love my family and my afternoon naps, but I’ll be honest – I’m tired of looking at them, cooking for them and cleaning up after them. Reason two - I can’t possibly stand watching Rio Bravo (again) or any other damn John Wayne western that happens to be on television. Reason three – there isn’t anyone else in my immediate vicinity at work today, so it’s like I’m by myself. Ahhh, it’s so peaceful…almost heavenly.

In family tradition, J, the Boy and myself set out on December 26th to score some “Boxing Day” deals. We were up at the crack of stupid, drove an hour to the city, found parking spots at various big box outlets and then proceeded to battle the crowds – again and again. What in the hell possessed me to do something so stupid is beyond me. My time is worth far more than what my family saved on the supposed deals. I spent more time driving around (J’s driving makes me car sick), parking the car, fending off rude and stupid people, waiting in line and hoofing it to and from the car to the stores. The only thing I got for myself on Boxing Day was a speeding ticket since I was in such a hurry to get home and unload my family from my car. Stupid Boxing Day! To hell with family tradition - next year, I’m staying home.

I received a phone call from my Dad…two days after Christmas. My father has been on a “retirement” tour since May of 2007 and has been physically absent from my life since then. Although I receive the occasional phone call, he is extremely random and I never know exactly where he is at any given time, so the fact that I could not connect with him on Christmas Day was not a surprise to me. His randomness and lust for travel are two of the things I admire the most about him, but they are also the things that continue to disappoint me time and time again. I’ve accepted it and I know it’s who he is, but it’s still disappointing nonetheless. To be honest though, if he was home for Christmas, he would just be another family member that I’d have to contend with that makes me crazy, so I guess all is right with the world after all.

For more Tuesday Randomness, please be sure to visit The Un Mom.


JennAventures said…
Isn't it great when no one is at work? Aside from the fact that no one can jusge you for reading blogs/screwing around, its nice not to listen to the mindlessness around you.
I am Harriet said…
I stayed away from the sales...so far.

Have a great Tuesday.
Joshua said…
Honestly, I'm really tired of working. I need a real vacation. Not the kind where I take days off work and have to watch kids. I mean where I can climb on a ship, drink in the middle of the day, and make fun of everyone who passes me by. That's real.

Rachel said…
I'm pretty excited that Christmas won't be back for another year.
Brian Miller said…
you could not pay me enough to go out on boxing day...yikes.

yep glad this one is in the box for the year...nice to settle back down for a bit...
Maude Lynn said…
I'm truly tired of looking at my crew, too!

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