Busy, Busy, Busy...A Weekend Recap...

First, Happy Belated Mother’s Day to all Moms out there.

On that note, I don’t see all the commercial hype about Mother’s Day. I believe you should respect and be nice to your mother every day of the year – not just one day designated by Hallmark Cards. Believe me (and I speak from experience), one day does not make up for the grief and torment we caused our mothers throughout of lives. Don’t get me wrong, the ability to sleep in or a nice dinner is always appreciated, but the gushy cards, flowers and gifts just feel “forced” upon us by society and somehow they become phony and fake. I’d rather the attention come at random times throughout the year….those are the moments that make moms feel special.

The renovation on the spare room continues. With the room totally striped out and the millions of nails and screws removed from the studs, J can now start running the electrical. It seems like it’s moving slowly, but considering we’ve only been working on it for a few hours each weekend, I think it’s progressing nicely. Our anticipated completion date is “sometime” in June, so we certainly are behind schedule…yet. I’ll try to remember to post some progress photos soon.

Yesterday (apart of it being Mother’s Day), I spent a good portion of the day in our flower gardens – cleaning them up, weeding them out and edging them. I’m still not close to being done, but we’re trying to get them ready for next weekend’s job, which is laying down mulch. Thank goodness, we only need to do the mulch every couple of years because it’s a lot of work and not at all fun.

It’s funny, now that we’ve put our 5 Year Plan into motion, J and I are looking at things differently than we did before. Instead of thinking about what appeals to us and how we would like to see things done around the house and garden, we now think about things like “curb appeal”, “target market”, “neutral colors”, “move in ready condition”, “low maintenance”, etc. So, what does that mean? It means I might spend the next few years living in a house that won’t seem like my home, but at the end of it all, I know it will be worth it.

Happy Monday!!!


Brian Miller said…
renovations def will make you feel displaced...maybe though the progress toward the plan will counter that....happy belated mothers day...smiles.
Beatriz said…
That's awesome! Luck with the renovation :)

As for Mother's Day, I'm with you on the whole marketing aspect. Hope your fam respected your wishes though ;) Hopefully you were able to wallow in the silence!
CrazyCris said…
Also with you on the marketing aspect of Mother's Day! Although in my case I sometimes appreciate the reminder, because it seems to fall on a different day in each country I've lived! (in Spain it was last week)

I answered your comment on the WOD post... I'm counting on you!!! ;o)
Maude Lynn said…
I am so behind on my garden it's not even funny!

And, I totally agree with you about mother's day.

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