Weekend Plans?

It’s a long weekend here in Canada – Victoria Day. In celebration of Queen Victoria’s birthday, which I don’t think is actually on the 21st of May, but who am I to complain…it’s a long weekend. I’ll take them when I can get them.

My weekend plans consist of working in the garden planting some more perennials and laying down mulch, continuing to work in the spare room and of course, working on my tan since the weather is supposed to be fantastic.

J and I are also planning on going to the drive-in (yes, we still have a few of them here in Canada). Our plan is to see the Avengers and whatever else might be playing. I was really hoping to see Battleship as well, but I’m not lucky enough for two blockbusters to be playing on the same drive-in screen.

And if time and energy permits, we may head out for a long walk on the beach. It will be our first beachcombing outing of the year and I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of beach glass and other treasures I can find.

Whatever your plans are, I hope they are fantastic. Have a great weekend!


Brian Miller said…
have a great weekend...will be camping out this weekend, tossing logs on the fire and just enjoying nature....
Brindy said…
Queen Vic was born May 24th, so I suppose it's the closest Monday, makes a nice long weekend and a short week - enjoy.

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