If Only I Could Sew...

This local organization – or should I say, a group of talented individuals have recently came to my attention. This is such a fantastic cause. I cannot tell you how many times in my travels that I’ve wished I could help those in need in some small way, but with a large impact.

The founders of You Are Sew Gorgeous have done just that. The concept of You Are Sew Gorgeous is simple – turn donated pillowcases into beautiful dresses for little girls in need in underdeveloped nations. Their hope is that a handmade dress will make these girls feel special – the way they deserve to look and feel.

Feeling special is something every little girl deserves regardless of where they come from or their social status.  I’m sure these dresses mean the world to them and I can only imagine the smiles on their faces.  I’ll be taking some of these dresses along with me in my next round of travels.

If you would like, you can also look them up and "Like" them on Facebook here.


Simply Suthern said…
Is amazing the simple things that can make such an impact.

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