This and That...

Well, my long weekend did not go as originally planned. Actually, all my plans pretty much went out the window the moment I threw my back out first thing on Saturday morning. Apart from turning the wrong way, I can’t explain why it happened, but it did and the rest of my weekend was spent between lying on the floor, lying on the sofa, lying in bed, crawling up the stairs and pretty much being miserable. In hindsight, although we didn’t get much done with our projects, or get to the movies or to the beach, we did get some much needed rest and caught up on some mindless television watching, so all in all, I guess it was somewhat successful.

Our weather here in Canada has been fantastic – far better than it usually is this time of year. On the downside, we are already experiencing dry, drought–like conditions. Our grass has turned a beautiful shade of brown and the farmer’s fields are quickly becoming dust-bowls. I don’t want to say it, but we need rain. It can rain as much as it wants during the week, as long as my weekends are full of sunshine and tropical temperatures. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

Work on the spare room renovation project is still progressing. We had switched our focus to garden and yard work this past weekend, but we’ll be back at the room this upcoming weekend. Here are few photos of the work to date – mostly demolition and clean up. You wouldn’t believe the amount of nails and drywall screws we pulled out of that room. I’m not even joking when I say every inch of space had either a nail or a screw in it. Thank goodness that part of the reno is over with.

Before - Two Layers or Drywall

During - New Closet Taking Shape



And last, but not least...

The Boy is enjoying the freedom of his new vehicle, although he’s not using it as much as we expected. Once he realized how much it costs to fill up his gas tank, he’s slightly more selective of where he’s prepared to drive to. He actually rides his bike more now than he did before he got his own ride. One could say, he’s become a gas miser and an exercise guru, which I suppose is a good thing.


Beatriz said…
You know it's funny how environmentally conscious/health conscious you become once it concerns your money ;D

Sorry to hear about your back, hope you feel better soon.
Brian Miller said…
heh yeah gas prices will do that...

looking good on the reno...hurt my back on monday too...
Simply Suthern said…
My boy swore if gas got to $3 he would start riding a bike. LOL

The bike still hung there till the tires dry rotted.

In his defense we do live a bit out of the way.

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