Guess What?

Four months from today will be Christmas.  You can thank me now for ruining your day...

Can you tell I'm bored?  Your welcome...


jb said…
For the love of God, woman! Don't you know what the holidays are like for me at work?? Haven't u read my customer letters??


Seriously, though, I can't frickn' believe the Summer is about to come to an end. We Canucks spend way too much time freezing our a**es off.

- JB
raydenzel1 said…
I just mentioned this this morning to my daughter. scary thought. At work the Halloween decorations are in and Christmas stuff will be coming in soon.
@JB - Sorry my friend, but misery must have company...

@R. Jacob - Eeek. The Christmas stuff has been out here in Costco for a couple of weeks now.
Simply Suthern said…
You are one sick Puppy.
VandyJ said…
Thanks for that. I at least get a few more weeks before Turbo starts to ask for everything he sees on TV. Although Christmas shopping is easier to deal with if it's spread out some.
Brian Miller said…
gee...i am starting to tense up already...smiles.
Brindy said…
Thanks for the prompt, I've popped it in my diary so I don't miss it.
Sylvia said…
It's still hot weather and the beaches are crowded. But I really miss Christmas here. Last one was still at cold merchandising Britain.
Sarah said…
That didn't ruin my day - that made it! I love Christmas! For real. Sorry, I am one of those people who gets all excited every year. :)
Bobby Allan said…
Yay! I love Christmas. The troll, I could have done without.
Anonymous said…
I'm bored, too. Guess that's why I started a new blog. It's been 2 months since I closed up Technical Parent. Just getting back into it.
Raven said…
Thank you for the reminder. I can't wait for snow!! (Really)

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