Wordless Wednesday...

Yellow Calla Lily


Simply Suthern said…
Kinda hard to do a wordless Comment. LOL

Actually doesn't look real. It's gorgeous.
Brian Miller said…
a little spray of color to brighten the day...nice.
Anonymous said…
I love the deep yellow. What an elegant picture! What is the statue in the picture?
@Simply Suthern - LOL! Never thought about that...

@Vandy - Thanks. It's been raining in our area so I hadn't been out in a few days and then I spotted 3 of these last night.

@Brian - I love the brightness of the yellow...reminds me of the sun...

@JDaniel4's Mom - Thank you and thanks for visiting. It's a concrete bird bath in the background.
Wow, stunning. Love the colour.
Sarah said…
Lovely! We don't have many flowers around so I am jealous!
Mara said…
I love it--it's almost cartoon like!

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