Making a Fashion Statement...

I would be the talk of my scuba club with a pair of these...


Simply Suthern said…
Now that's Flippertastic.

I am sure they would be a hit at Neptunes Ball.
VandyJ said…
Wow, talk is right but what would they be saying?
@Simply Suthern - Flippertastic says it all! LOL...

@R. Jacob - Yep...

@VandyJ - They'd be screaming "CRAZY LADY"...
Anonymous said…
That's just scary!!
Beatriz said…
LOL! I have the perfect purse for those if you need to borrow it! :D
Brian Miller said… would be the talk of a lot of places in those...smiles.
CrazyCris said…
I already have to watch out for my back with all my gear on... between that and my recent ankle problem wearing these would be just asking for trouble!

on the other hand... they could double as fishing gear! :p
Those are flippin awesome!!
Raven said…
Those are fantabulous!
Sarah said…
Seriously, that made me laugh out loud when I saw them! So funny!
Maude Lynn said…
Those are hilarious!

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