Under The Weather...

I’m feeling kind of sickly today.  I can’t pinpoint exactly what’s wrong with me, but I know I’d feel better if I was at home in bed.  My head hurts, my stomach hurts and every joint in my body aches.  If I were to actually believe WebMD, I have all of the symptoms of Lyme disease, but seeing how I haven’t been traipsing about in the bushes, I doubt I’ve come in contact with deer ticks.
My ill feelings could have been caused by having to get up a couple of hours early and come into work at the crack of stupid.  Can you believe that I didn’t have any work all last week, but then my boss decides on Friday afternoon that I need to show up bright and early on Monday to get an agreement done before 10:00 a.m.?  It’s a good thing he had a large Starbucks sitting on my desk when I got here.  
I was wired this morning, but now - I need a nap…and some Tylenol…


k said…
Sounds like your boss has no idea what "planning" is...ugh. I think you need to go home early to offset coming in early of course.
Brian Miller said…
aww...hope you feel better...the starbucks certainly helps though...
Sarah said…
Oh, sorry! That sucks. My kiddo has pink eye and a little bit of a cold if it makes you feel better. He got sick after four days of daycare (and a huge bite mark on his arm). Being sick is the worst. Feel better soon!
Get a good nights sleep...feel better tomorrow I hope.
CrazyCris said…
ouch! hope a good night's sleep managed to be a good cure!
feel better!

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