Courage or Insantity? I'm Not Sure Yet...

You might remember me telling you about my 7-10 year plan.  You know the one - when I pay off my mortgage and debts, be totally irresponsible and quit my day job and then run away…far, far away to somewhere warm.
Well, I know this might sound absolutely ridiculous, but the planning has begun.   Put the date on your calendar – 2017.  By end of year 2017, J and I plan to be living in…. (insert drum roll)…Ecuador.  Exact location to be determined, but I can tell you that it will be somewhere on the coast of Ecuador.

There you have it.  There’s no turning back now that it’s on paper.  You, my Blogger friends, are the first to know our little secret.  We don’t plan on telling other friends or family members anytime soon because let’s face it - 5 years is a long way off and there is no sense in stressing them out long before we have to.
Obviously, we plan on taking a few research trips before we make the actual commitment of purchasing a house or condo there.   Hopefully, the first one will be in either November of this year or January of next year.
Over the next couple of days, I’m going to try and collect my thoughts and hope to share with you the reasoning behind our decision and over the next 5 years, I plan on sharing our journey with you.  I hope you stick around and enjoy the adventure…
I’ve already done a lot of research and soul searching (sounds lame, I know), but the time has come to stop dreaming about it and actually begin to put the plan into action.  You’re probably thinking that I’ve totally lost it and perhaps I have, but that’s how I roll…
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” - Walt Disney


Beatriz said…
WOW! Good luck with everything :) Very envious but seeing as I can not swim, I'm OK with the envy ;D
Sarah said…
Seriously, that is crazy - but in a good way! I am actually jealous that you seem to know exactly what you want! Granted I am a few years younger and have some time to think about it, but wow! Good for you!
Brian Miller said…
woohoo that is the plan, work the plan...and send post cards....smiles.
CrazyCris said…
Just follow the yellow brick road! Step by step your plan will unfold... so excited we get to witness it! :o)
k said…
Wait!! Don't you need your own personal translator??? *big cheesy grin*

Ok, well if not...can E and I visit?

How exciting!! Can't wait to read your next post!!
raydenzel1 said…
It will be "a come hell or high water moment", something or someone will try to intercede. You have made a wise decision. We will help you pack and will watch with satisfaction as you enjoy your dream!
Brindy said…
A huge adventure but loads of time to plan. We did it with less than 18 months from planning the move abroad to getting in the car and setting off for southern Spain. Lots to consider, but you've got the majority of it covered in your list. Looking forward to sharing the adventure with you.

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