Sure Sign Spring is Near?

Canada Goose Shit on the Sidewalks – Canadian Geese are simple vermin in the eyes of Canadians.

We are overrun by them.  Thanks to global warming, they no longer “fly south”.  Nope, instead they prefer to save their energy and hang around during the winter and breed.   As soon as the weather warms slightly, they seem to appear and are everywhere.   Thanks to urban sprawl, geese have moved into many city neighborhoods.  They choose to nest in the oddest spots – including the shrubbery surrounding the building where I work. 
If you haven’t had the pleasure of a run in with a Canada Goose, let me say this - they are mean-spirited and nasty and love to attack the unsuspecting.  Oh, and they are indiscriminate poop machines.    When the hissing and honking starts, you better start running or swinging or both.  I’ve seen them dent car doors and break car mirrors.  I prefer the cursing, purse swinging, leg kicking, high karate moves myself. 
Yup, goose poop on the sidewalks usually means Spring is just around the corner.   Not only do you have to watch where you step, but you also need to watch what’s lurking in the bushes.   Soon, I’m putting in for hazard pay.

What's your sure sign of Spring?


Rachel said…
Pollen. Lots and lots of pollen from the sexing pine trees.

I hate those turd birds too.
Sarah said…
Hmmmm. I guess since I just moved I don't know what the signs are here! Probably the fact that we have had weeks of upper 50's and lower 60's!! Hope they leave you alone - the geese that is! :)
Raven said…
Apparently our sign of Spring here in MN is a winter storm headed our way in 2 days. *sigh* It's almost the end of March WTF Mother Nature??
Simply Suthern said…
I hate geese. We had them at work in the parking lot. They would attack you and your car.

They either poop every 8 mins or 8 times an hr. I aint sure which but its a lot.
Brian Miller said…
well that certainly makes it smell like spring...smiles. i have to cut the grass is the worst sign of spring for me...
raydenzel1 said…
The snowbirds return to the great white north!
Bobby Allan said…
OMG, those bastards come here for their vacation homes. There's a walking path around a suburban hospital that I like to go to.

Well, big mistake in planning, because it has a lake so all the GD geese walk and shit all over the path. When I'm walking toward them, they dare me to tell them to get out of the way and when I do, they come after me!
CrazyCris said…
seriously? they seemed so goofy and friendly in New Zealand! maybe the expat Canadian Geese are nicer... :p

Spring here is flowers!!! Only time of the year we see any...
Beatriz said…
Oh I'm not a fan either, they come here during the winter and shit on everything here. They also wake me at 5am with their honking. You can keep them :D
Anonymous said…
It's 84 degrees outside.

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