Settle In…I’m Going to Start Complaining…

Well, I’ve been at my new place of employment for 4 months now.  
For the most part, I like the people I work with.  They are slightly boring, in comparison to the people I’m used to working with and there are a couple of people with “issues”; but what place doesn’t have “those” ones right?.   Variety is supposed to be the spice of life, so I guess, I’ll just deal with it.
I also enjoy the work I’m doing – mostly.  There are always those tasks that I’d rather not have to do and usually put off until the last possible moment, but once again – I deal with it.
The pay is good – no complaints in that department.  Benefits are good too.
So on the surface, it sounds like the perfect position and I really have no reason to complain, but alas, I’m going to anyway.
I know what needs to be done.  I know how to go about getting the job done.  I know how to make things run more efficiently.   My boss does not understand the concept of efficient.
My boss is high-strung and super anal retentive, but I’ll say this – he’s super duper smart – probably almost a genius.  I’ve worked with him in a previous life, so I knew what I was getting myself into before I took the position or so I thought.   What I failed to realize was how his anal retentiveness creates stumbling blocks on everything he does for himself, myself and others that are waiting on him. 
He over analyzes absolutely everything.  He fails to recognize the big picture and what needs to get done in a realistic timeframe.  Instead he focuses on what could possibly go wrong in “an end of the earth, doomsday scenario”.  It’s just not practical. 
It takes months to negotiate agreements that should only take weeks.   Things that could be done within hours, has taken him weeks to complete.  A simple yes or no, is not in his vocabulary.  With every question ask, you get 5 in return.  It’s frustrating.
It’s good to minimize risks, but what he fails to recognize is that by taking so long to finish things, our department is being left out of a lot of important decision making discussions because we are perceived as a roadblock to successful project completion.  They are right.
Instead of minimizing risks, we are creating others that my boss isn’t even aware of because people leave our department out of anything that is slightly time sensitive.  I can’t bring these issues to his attention, or else he’ll never get anything done and neither will I.   So instead I wait, and wait, and pester and wait…and pester somemore...
I’m not good at waiting.  I need action…and fast.


Simply Suthern said…
I work in the nuclear industry. Every contract is like that.
JennAventures said…
Uh oh, new job frustration...
Rachel said…
I analyze everything from every possible angle (drives my husband nuts!) but when somebody else jumps in it I get bored and leave it with them.
Sarah said…
Yikes. That sounds like no fun. It is so hard when you are in those situations because you know he won't change and you feel like there is no way out. I know you feel like you wish he would do things different but that can be so frustrating. My husband's old boss was like that - smart, but would freak out about everything! Also, my boss is kinda the opposite. He probably lets too many things slide and his brain skips all over the place and as much as I want to change it, I know I can't. The question then becomes, 'can I live with this long term'? Hope you find your answer! I wish I had a better idea for you but I've got nothing! Good luck in getting what you want/need to succeed!
Brian Miller said…
ugh. i dunno if you dont tell him you might go crazy...
raydenzel1 said…
It looks like it is time for a regime change!
CrazyCris said…
Go ahead: VENT!!!

Feel better? That's what complaining is for! Particularly in situations where doesn't seem to be much else we can do... :s

At least there's less to complain about that in the other job, right?

Good luck with it all... and remember, we're here whenever you feel the need to vent again! ;o)
Raven said…
Venting is good for the soul. He sounds like a very difficult person to work with, and your personality types definitely clash.
Brindy said…
Oh, that's a toughie.
Bobby Allan said…
Wow. Sounds like our department chairman. Only, he's not a genius. He's an idiot.

Still, I feel your pain.
k said…
That sounds awful and would drive me nuts as he the one who is leaving soon though? Aren't you taking his place?
@k13 - nope he's not leaving. I'm just taking over managing everyone in his department. I can only hope that frees up sone of his time.

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