Back From The Beach...

Well folks, I've returned from apologies...

All that's left are the memories.  Here are a few photos, which I should point out were actually taken by me.  I bought my own camera, so as not to have to rely on J to share his.


raydenzel1 said…
welcome back
you have been missed!
Brian Miller said…
ahh...i want to climb into that picture...welcome back...
Simply Suthern said…
Looks like a place that would be hard to leave.

Welcome home.
Raven said…
Welcome back to the real world!

Great pics. I've been living under a rock for the last few days, waiting for the world to cease sucking, but I think I want to live in your pics instead.

Love Gumby!
Rachel said…
I'd frame that last one!
Anonymous said…
Stunning. And what kind of camera is it?
Brindy said…
Love the last one!
Beatriz said…
Love Travelling Gumbi1 I am very jealous but glad to have you back :D Hope you had a great time!
Sarah said…
Looks amazing! I am so jealous! I think I have told you before but my husband doesn't really like the beach so it is hard to convice him to go somewhere like that! I can only dream of it!
CrazyCris said…
gorgeous! looks like a fabulous place to sit back and relax... did you get to catch a glimpse under the waves as well? ;o)

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