Missing: My Life...Reward if Found...

My apologies for once again being MIA.  It seems that life is passing me by at an extreme pace and I can’t get ahead – or keep up for that matter.

Tax season is upon us and that is consuming me at the moment.  I’m not really interested in solving mathematical problems and it seems that by not keeping on top of my business bookkeeping, I now have no choice but to deal with the problem at hand.  

That problem is a WAY larger task than I anticipated it to be.  Seems that the idea I had of stuffing all receipts into Wal-Mart bag “until I got around to entering them” was not such a great idea.  Who knew I could accumulate so many receipts in a 9 month period?

Then, there is the whole “inventory” calculation thing.  Once again, no one told me I should really be keeping track of every single bead I purchased over the past 9 months, how much it cost and when it was used.  Seriously?  I don’t have time for that and am having none of it.  Time to get creative with those numbers…

On the upside, I anticipate getting a refund and hence the reason for wanting to get my shit together and get this thing done – I want to go on a holiday!

I should mention that I also prepare tax returns for my dad, J’s parents, my son and my husband.  Thank goodness for Turbo Tax because this lady does not have enough skill to handle taxes on her own.

Another thing consuming my time is eBay.   Our home is full of excess crap – ranging from excess camera equipment, extra scuba equipment, travel guidebooks to places I don’t intend to return to, iPods, hand held game systems, games, etc. etc.  It’s time to clear out the excess and make some cash from those items that are collecting dust.  Let me tell you, the life of an eBay seller is a full-time job.  First there’s getting the items ready to list (aka dusting them), taking photos, researching prices, writing descriptions, calculating shipping and then finally posting your ad, all with the hopes it sells and if it does, there’s packing it and shipping it.  Ughhh, I’m tired just thinking about it.

Have I mentioned that J had a grand idea to clean out our filing cabinet?  Problem being...he can't find anything now and I'm spending more time (time I don't have) helping him look for things.

That's all the time I have now.  My time is running out and so is my patience.


VandyJ said…
tax season always intimidates me. I really don't like tax time. We have a nice lady at H&R Block who does them for us, but still taxes make me nervous.
JennAventures said…
I hate doing my taxes...
Raven said…
I have a headache just reading about doing taxes.
raydenzel1 said…
I might have one of my dogs do our taxes this year. couldn't hurt!
Brian Miller said…
ugh. taxes. hope that goes well for you...and i hope ebay does you well...hmmm...i may need to think about that...
Simply Suthern said…
I feel for ya hun.

I have a side business too. I do my through the year tax stuff but I just turn all my stuff over to My tax lady to close the yr out.

I do all the families personal Tax returnes. I used The HR Block Software.

Good Luck to you.
Anonymous said…
Taxes suck. Did I mention I'm an accountant? Not taxes, though. I hate them.

I have to ask, though: what handheld game system(s) are you getting rid of? Call it professional curiosity.
@ Joshua - Ha Ha - We have a PSP and a old school Game Boy.
Brindy said…
I'm lucky to have a simple tax position, so no end of year panics for me. All I need to do is check how much they've taken too much and get it back - there's more motivation to do the return when they owe you.
Anonymous said…
I have $10, a broken laptop, and a crayon drawing of the world through the eyes of a three-year-old. Deal?

k said…
I've been trying to 'unload' some stuff via Ebay as well and it is a big time suck to list items for sale. Ack!!

And then all that hard work and the darn things don't even sell. Such a let down!!

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