Theme Song of My Life...

Have you ever wondered if a movie was made about your life, what would the theme song be?
Mine, would be “Raise a Little Hell” by Trooper (btw - a good ole Canadian band).
For my 13th birthday, I had a roller skating party at the local roller rink and my parents requested this song for me.  
The lyrics were fitting for me then and who knew that they would stand the test of time.   What’s your theme?
Take a listen…enjoy, and rock on!


Simply Suthern said…
Mine would be "What Was I Thinking"
Brian Miller said…
ha. i used to be able to answer this on the spot...need to give it a little thought now...nice theme song...
JennAventures said…
Circus by Britney Spears..."All eyes on me in the center of the ring..."!

Yup, I'm that girl.
Raven said…
I don't know what my theme song would be. Hmmm....

Now after watching that vid, I feel like raising a little hell. lol
The lead singers hip movements were quite suggestive-- oh my : ). I like it.

On the spot, I think mine would be Happy Girl by Martina McBride. I'll give it some thought though!
raydenzel1 said…
Happy New Year my friend!

k said…
Good question!! I'll have to put some thought into this and see what song I come up with! :)

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