Gum Wall...

gum wall seattle

I'm undecided - I can't decide if I'm grossed out by this or fascinated.  I think it might be the latter.


VandyJ said…
It's fascinating--but my first reaction was ewww!
Simply Suthern said…
I suppose it prolly should be a little of both.

Now I am wondering why they didnt do a mosaic.
Brian Miller said…
i am fascinated...and if i am hungry enough...
raydenzel1 said…
not just for chewing anymore
JennAventures said…
Horrified. But I hate gum chewing in general. Its like chewing your own spit-and that is a wall of spit. Yech.
Sarah said…
I think I have heard of that before and maybe seen it too! I think it is crazy! But super funny! I swear I will blog some more when I am in Denver - I leave Sunday. Hopefully I can come visit you more too once I am there!
Raven said…
I'm pretty grossed out. I have this thing about saliva...
Anonymous said…
I'm totally grossed-out by this! I'd be afraid to catch a disease by getting too close. :o(
Beatriz said…
Absolutely disgusting!!!! All I can think of are all the bacteria that are growing on that wall! I wouldn't even put gum there for fear of losing my hand to disease! GROSS!

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