They're Real...

Get your minds out of the gutter - I mean Internet Nazis.  But, just in case your wondering, those are real too.

Fact. Internet Nazis are real.  They aren’t mythical creatures or the stuff urban legends are based upon to keep employees engaged in real work and motivated by fear to stay the hell off of Facebook.

My new place of employment has blocked all websites of interest to me – including Blogger, my blog, Gmail, Google Reader, Facebook, Amazon and Best Buy.  Do they not understand that I can’t possibly function under these circumstances?

I do 80% of all my Christmas shopping online.  How the hell am I expected to do my Christmas shopping now?  Am I now expected to go to the dreaded mall? WTH?  I don’t even know where to start.  The mall means parking lots, crowded spaces, testy people and germs – lots and lots of germs.  Oh, the inhumanity of it all….Grrr…

So please understand my absence from your blogs during the day.  Rest assured, I still care - I just can’t get to you from work and now that I have to shop at the mall, I might be a little late to the party. 


raydenzel1 said…
I happen to like the gutter. It's my man cave. It's nice that they are real.......nazis!

The sacrifices that one must make for a shorter ride home and more money!
Rachel said…
Do like me, get an iPad and give them the finger!
Simply Suthern said…
Yes they are real. I prolly ought not access my blog from work but I do. They havent blocked it yet but they have several other sites. But until then I will blog on.

Dont worry bought being late. We will save you a cold one.
CrazyCris said…
They're real?! Oh no! Now I'll have to be sure to scan any future employment possibility for the presence of internet nazis!!! No way I can do without internet all day!!! :o(

However will you survive?

We will miss your bloginess during the daytime, but if that means you have this cool job with friendly/interesting co-workers, then I guess we'll consider it a note-worthy sacrifice. ;o)

Just tell your hubby he's going to have to share you with us in the evenings! :p

And good luck with the mall! :D
Brian Miller said…
oh i think this needs to be a question asked int eh interview process...

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