Weekend Re-Cap...

I wish I had something fresh and exciting to report, but sadly I don’t, so instead a weekend re-cap.

The weekend was nice, but is never long enough for my liking.  I find this time of year, the to-do list is always longer than there is time in a day.   

On Saturday, J and I went for a long walk on the beach.  It was perfect time and place to take in the fall colors.  As you can expect from Canada in October, we had the beach to ourselves.   It was enjoyable – the sunshine, the fresh air and the best part - I didn’t get any sand between my toes (thanks to my rubber boots).

The Bible says that Sunday is supposed to be the day of rest, but thanks to my dilly-dallying on Saturday, I had to do house and yard work on Sunday.   The bathrooms were scrubbed, the floors were mopped and laundry was done.   

With The Boy off at school, I’ve had to pick up the slack and am sharing the lawn cutting duties with J.   We have a riding lawn mower, but with over two acres of grass, it still takes close to 3 hours to finish.  Needless to say, we both miss The Boy…immensely.   

I also cleaned up my garden, dug up, washed and put away the dahlia bulbs for another season.

With meatloaf, gravy and garlic mashed potatoes for supper - I consider the weekend an overall success.   

How was your weekend?


Simply Suthern said…
Sounds like an Ideal weekend. I dont really miss my 2 acre yard when it comes to mowing. We are down to 1/2 acre now and 1/2 of that is woods.

Our weekend was nice and quiet. The weather has been great. Didnt get to do the beach thing tho so I am a bit jealous. Maybe next weekend cause I need to visit the girl at school(10 min from the beach) and install a new headlight assembly on her car so it will pass inspection.
Brian Miller said…
meatloaf gravy and mash potatoes make everything better....sounds lik e a lovely walk as well...

eh someone stole our pumpkins so we went back tot he pumpkin patch...fun...and had a bbq yesterday...so good.
Rachel said…
I was kinda lazy. Just worked around my house and cooked.
Beatriz said…
It seems most people had a really good weekend :) Glad to hear you had a good weekend too!
raydenzel1 said…
Being that I am in retail, I work almost every weekend. While you are doing your dilly dallying, I am trying to get you to spend some money and to be happy that you did! Enjoy.

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