Happy 2013!

I hope 2013 brings you more health and happiness than you can possibly handle.

I don’t typically bother making New Year’s Resolutions and this year won’t be any different. I don’t believe in setting myself up for failure, but I will try to eat healthier, exercise more, swear less, save more, spend less, be more content and have more fun than in previous years.

So much for being more content though - I’m only into the second day of 2013 and am already feeling out of sorts. What’s the problem? Who knows for sure? I can’t quite put my finger on the source of my discontent. I have this feeling I’ve forgotten something important or something bad is about to happen.

I’m attributing some of it to being back at work. Although I was here last week and again on Monday, it was different – it was quiet, no e-mails, no phone calls, no worries.

Today’s vibe is much different. Something’s off…or maybe it’s just my system adjusting to Day 2 of eating healthy and exercise. I guess only time will tell…


Brian Miller said…
being back at work will def jack you up...smiles...maybe you need a vacation...ha...

happy new year...
Simply Suthern said…
Maybe you left your contentment several miles south.

Happy New Years to you.
Bobby Allan said…
Yes, I'm doing all those things, too! Except swearing less. I tried that but by day two, I said FU#@ it.
JennAventures said…
I hadnt even considered swearing! I too shall swear a lot damn less. Whoops.
Brindy said…
Sounds like a decent set of aims for the year, I'm on board too. Especially the save more spend less - definitely a challenge.
Sarah said…
Happy New Year! I've missed reading your blog! I've read it here and there, but not with a lot of consistancy due to our crazy move! Hope you are doing well! I think I am going to start blogging again for fun. I've missed it, but will be reading yours again now! :)
k said…
I'm suffering that feeling of discontent along w/you and cannot really pinpoint the source either, though I'm quick to just place the blame on the end of vacation & the return to work. :)
CrazyCris said…
Happy New Year!

I think Resolutions are just there to give you something to strive for... and remember, it's the journey that counts, not the destination! So your "resolutions" are perfect, they're a journey! ;o)

And I think it's definitely a "back to work" blues you've got... good luck!

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