Random Thoughts - Goodbye January…

I am so happy to see January on its way out the door. January is a month that provides me with nothing but misery – it’s long, cold, dark and dreary. With a little luck, I’ll only have to endure four more Canadian Januarys. Hooray!

I’ve started with my Fluenz Spanish lessons and so far, things are progressing nicely. I’m only on lesson 4 of the first DVD – only 26 more lessons to go and then I have another 4 DVDs. Good thing I started early.

Keeping with the Spanish theme, I’m noticing that the voices in my head are now speaking to me in Spanish - particularly after completing a lesson and then heading straight to bed. I guess it’s not necessarily a bad thing – unless I can’t understand them.

J and I are still engrossed in our relocation research. I’ll only say this – we’ve started to look at yet another country as a potential candidate. I’m sure we’ll end up looking at plenty more before we even book another flight to take a research tour.

Our new living room furniture finally arrived a few weeks ago. I know it doesn’t make a lot of sense to invest in new furniture when our plan is to simply sell it in a few years, but believe me – I’m so happy with the investment. It’s so nice to settle into comfortable furniture at the end of a loooong day. Pure heaven.

I’m on the hunt for new sandals. Do you know how hard it is to find sandals in January, in Canada? I don’t plan on wearing them around here, but I really need to find some before I head to Panama in March, since my old ones are a hazard to my health – no tread + uneven ground = more than one accident where I’ve ended up on my behind after sliding down a hill (on said behind).  I'll keep looking...

Hasta luego…


Brian Miller said…
ah the new furniture probably is like a breathe of fresh air though....
Simply Suthern said…
I am totally against sandals as even the new ones tried to do me in.

Its tennis shoes or hiking boots for me.
raydenzel1 said…
you will find that you will have less need for sandals in your new home. January is indeed a bleak month.
Beatriz said…
Soñar en español es aprender el lenguaje :) I dream in both languages :)
CrazyCris said…
I just read a blog post (from someone who visited my blog and left a comment) and it immediately reminded me of you!
A Canadian couple talking of relocating to a cheaper and warmer climate? Interested in how they did it? (in the end only half of it)
Here you go:

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