Getting Where We Need to Be…

So with the holiday season behind us, it’s time to start thinking about moving forward on some of those home repair/renovation tasks that J and I have managed to put on the back burner for the last few months.

As you may recall, as part of the 5 Year Plan, which is now the 4 year plan because a year has passed, we had a list of home repair/renovations that needed to be completed in order to maximize the value of our home when the time comes to list it for sale. I realize that 4 years is still a long way off, but at the rate we are moving and the way we keep adding to the list, we are going to need every minute of those 4 years to accomplish everything we have in mind. *sigh*

Over the holidays, J and The Boy started to hang drywall in the spare room, but that soon came to a screeching halt when they ran out of drywall. You think it’s simply a matter of buying and bringing home some more, but such is not the case. Remember we live in Canada and it’s now winter. Cold, slushy, wet, winter – not ideal conditions for bringing it home considering drywall isn’t made to resist water and I’m not made to stand outside in the cold, piling drywall onto the back of J’s pickup truck.

So, once again we wait…until the stars align, the conditions are dry and the mood hits and then off we head to the dreaded home renovation store. It might just be May when that happens, but until then, the “honey do” list will continue to grow.


Brian Miller said…
oh how ominous the ever growing honey do list...ha...maybe the weather will break and you can get some the 60s here all week...
Beatriz said…
My Dad loves to complain about his "honey do" list but whenever there's nothing to do he annoys the crap out of my Mom. It's a long list now.
raydenzel1 said…
four years and then 3! lol
Bobby Allan said…
That stinks. I've been wanting to install closet organizers in the bedroom since I moved in last February. My closet doors have been in the hallway for a year!
CrazyCris said…
I've never heard of a "honey do" list!???

Hope you get some nice dry weather BEFORE May!

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