Random Thoughts…Strawberries, Snakes and Stuff

Yesterday was my anniversary (and J’s too of course). We have been married for 23 years or as J clarifies – we are going into our 23rd year of wedded bliss. We have actually been together for over 30 years. A lifetime it seems, but it’s been great and I’m looking forward to many, many more.

Once a year, our corporate office hosts a strawberry social for the office and plant personnel. I’ve spent the last 3 hours preparing the strawberries for tomorrow – washing, hulling and cutting. I’ve was appointed “supervisor” thanks to my many years of strawberry processing plant experience which started around the time I turned 15. Thank goodness I opted for an education and didn’t make strawberries my career. I used to LOVE strawberries, but for obvious reasons not so much anymore.

The saga of my car continues. After the $700 worth of repairs last week – my car still DID NOT start properly. So, it’s back in the shop today and now I’m being told it needs a new fuel pump – to the tune of another $550. On the upside, I’ve been loaned a 2012 Dodge Charger for my inconvenience. It’s nice, but not worth $1,250.

I’ve been slogging away on my jewelry stuff. Sales have slowed a little, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing since it’s allowed me to replenish my inventory.

I’ve recently joined Pinterest and have found that it’s also a useful tool in promoting my business. I have noticed an increase in traffic to both my website and my Etsy store since joining the site, so I guess any promotion is good promotion.

The progress on our spare room renovations has stalled. It’s ready for the drywall, but between lack of time and money at the moment, it will have to wait another couple of weeks. It’s not like we’ve been using the room for the last 5 years, so a couple of more weeks isn’t going to make a difference.

We have found a family of snakes to be living in our garden. I saw one last week, but J has informed me that there are at least 3 of them. I know they are harmless, but I still don’t like the idea of them being in my backyard. J bravely caught one yesterday and moved it to the bush at the back of our properly. Let’s hope the snake likes his new digs and doesn’t feel a need to return with friends.

Well, that’s all for now. I hope everyone has a great Monday.


Simply Suthern said…
I like snakes. I pick them up and play with them. It aggravates them to no end. Thats prolly why it tried to bite me. He hasnt been back, at least while I was out.

The neighbors had a 6 ft black snake in the squirrel box. They dont leave well with squirrels. Anyways they took the snake out and dumped it by the crrek at my place. Next thing you know my wife saw it, the folks beside us saw it then the folks that eveicted it saw it come home.

Good luck with moving it to the back of the yard.

Ya gotta play with it to get it to go. HEY, Put down the shovel, that aint playing nice.
Simply Suthern said…
Sorry bout the spelling. I do know how to spell live, creek and evicted. Just cant type them.
Beatriz said…
You know I've never seen a snake anywhere near my house but considering it would likely be a rattler I'm not about to go looking either.

Happy Anniversary!
Maude Lynn said…
Happy Anniversary!

J is kinder than I am when it comes to snakes.
Brian Miller said…
happy anniversary...

and at least the snakes are keeping away other pests right?
raydenzel1 said…
happy anniversary!

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