Living The Dream…Somewhere in an Alternate Reality…

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my future.   Not necessarily next week or next month, but where I’ll be in 10 years from now. 
At present, I’m working towards the goal of being debt and mortgage free in about 6 years, but then what?   I certainly won’t be able to retire at that time because I won’t have any substantial savings in which to support myself. 
After the debt free goal has been attained, I still plan to buy a vacation property in the Caribbean, but I’ll only be able to enjoy a couple of times per year because I’ll still have to work to pay for the vacation home.
It would be fantastic if I could simply work in the Caribbean, but my options for employment will be hindered by the whole work visa issue.
Another option I’ve been toying with to avoid the whole work visa issue is to simply buy an existing business in the Caribbean.  But what business could I possibly be qualified to run, that would make me enough money to live and also enjoy?  Hmmm, a restaurant, a B&B, a hostel, a dive shop?  The opportunities and my dreams are endless, but my pocketbook isn’t.
I need to stop whining and be thankful for what I have and what I'm able to do, but right now, I’m consumed with this dream of running away and living the life in the sun, but unfortunately reality can run faster and tends to catch up with me.
Reality stinks…


Brian Miller said…
um yeah i dont like thinking about retirement...reality def bites...
raydenzel1 said…
What you want for the future starts with dreams.
Needs, wants, desires, basic building blocks,
What do you need? What can you live without?
Where exactly do you want to live? Which house?
You are fine tuning your focus now. Good for you!
k said…
oh reality certainly DOES bite...and hard. I hate it. I think I'd rather live in my dream land...yep, it's much nicer there.
Sarah said…
Yeah, reality bites sometimes. It's funny how your brain works. I guess I've never really thought we would ever buy a vacation home and have only ever thought of it in one of those 'if we win the lottery' scenarios. I like the way you think!!
Anonymous said…
10 years from now I hope to have been working from home for at least one year. That's the goal. Dreams are good. Go for them!!!
Beatriz said…
Do long-time blog followers get a discount at your future B&B? ;D

I hope to be debt free 10 yrs from now too. Luck!

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