Gobble, Gobble...

It's Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday here in Canada and that means: A long weekend; My dad is in town visiting. I haven't seen him in 3D in over 3 years, so I'm excited for that; Fantastic weather. Sunny and warm is what the weather people are saying; Local county fair should make for some great junk food fixins; and of course... Turkey and all the trimmings. On Tuesday, I will commence the self-loathing but until then...have a fantastic weekend!


Anonymous said…
Wait...you have a long weekend? Lucky Canadian bas...

I mean, have a great weekend!
@ Joshua - betcha didn't think we had it so good in the North.
Rachel said…
Happy Thanksgiving! (how far away from you does your dad live?)
Brindy said…
Have a fabulous weekend, and a great time with your Dad. I can't wait to spend US Thanksgiving with our friends next month - turkey & trimmings and all.
@ Rachel - My dad actually lives in another province - about 2 days drive away. He's been traveling the world for those 3 years and finally is getting back around to within visiting range. We talk almost weekly but it will be nice to see him again. I guess I get my wandering ways from him. Lol!
Brian Miller said…
woot...have a great thanksgiving and have fun with family!
raydenzel1 said…
a break from self loathing, I love that line. have fun
klahanie said…
Ah yes, Canadian Thanksgiving,eh. Must have been wonderful to have your dad visit after such a long time :)
Yes indeed, October 10, Canadian Thanksgiving, Columbus Day for your 'neighbours', Health and Sports Day in Japan, World Mental Health Day and yay, my son's birthday.
Take care and I hope you had some pumpkin pie. Evidently, it counteracts self-loathing :)

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