Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot...

The weather for this week has been hot and humid.  The temperatures have been in the range of 95 to 104 with the humidity.   I AM NOT complaining – I did enough of that from November to May.  Instead, I’m embracing it. 
We haven’t even turned on our air conditioning.  As long as the nights are cooler, I don’t need A/C.  I only need to know it’s there for when I do need it.
We have ceiling fans throughout our house, we have plenty of cold beverages in the refrigerator and ice in the freezer.
This is the way life’s forecast is supposed to be – sunny, hot with a chance of cold beverages in the evening…


Brian Miller said…
it was over 100 here today...we have been in a heat wave most of the last week...its going to be a long hot summer...
CrazyCris said…
lucky you! it's been unseasonably chilly over here... keeps threatening to rain (for the past 4-5 days) and occasionally it does! I've been looking longingly out at the pool and the sea hoping for the waters to be allowed to keep warming up instead of cooling down again!
couldn't even go swimming on World Oceans Day like I wanted! ;o(

Enjoy the warm weather! Drink something cool for me! (I'm off to fix a cup of tea)
raydenzel1 said…
I always have many cold (beverages)rhymes with beer, on hand, stop on by!
Simply Suthern said…
Warm here as well. But hey its summer in the south.

I'll be slamming some sweet iced tea.
Anonymous said…
I swear, it's like someone left the damn door open and is letting the cold air out. I'm just glad it's topping out here at 90 and just might rain here today.
Lucas Kain said…
It ain't as hot here, but the blog picture still makes me want to do some diving... Can't wait to get off work, as you said, beverages are awaiting!

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