Changing Destiny...

What has become of us?  All we do is scurry from one appointment to another, from one chore to another, from one day to another.  We don’t stop to appreciate what’s around us, the seasons, each other.   We rarely take time for ourselves and it seems we don’t even have enough time in the day to stop and breathe.
The Boy said to me this morning…”All I can think is how exhausted I am.  I don’t have any time for anything and the most depressing part is…that’s the way my life will be forever.”
I was so shocked by that statement coming from someone so young and so inexperienced with the real world.  I wish I could have disagreed with him.  The only words of wisdom I could muster were “Don’t let your life get out of control now or you’ll never recover.  You’re young enough to change your destiny.”  
I wish I believed what I said to be true.   As much as I like to believe we are in charge of our destiny, I’m becoming a doubter – at least for today.  I’m still hopeful for tomorrow.


Brian Miller said…
i would say out of the mouths of babes, but i think he is a bit older...better he realizes it now though...and hopefully can make some choices not to fall into the same trap many of us have...
Simply Suthern said…
I have no life of my own.

Some times it is easier tho cause I dont have to worry about what I am going to do. Plenty of folks to figure that out for me.

Got something that needs fixin?
raydenzel1 said…
Can we change our destiny or is it a cumulation of any and all changes that result in our ultimate outcome? Feeling very Zen at the moment.
Anonymous said…
Is it bad that I'm counting down the days until my kids go off to college so I can have a life again?
CrazyCris said…
Yikes! How old is he again?!

As for stopping and enjoying the day... HAPPY WORLD OCEANS DAY!!! Have you hugged a wave yet? ;o)

Come stop by the Oceanic Blog-A-Thon! Better yet, write something for WOD! :D

Spread the word!

Brindy said…
Maybe realising this now will allow him to plan how to escape the treadmill from time to time and opt out of the mayhem.

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