Ode to Spring...

Okay, part of any healing process is to admit there is a problem in the first place, so I’ll admit it - this Winter kicked my ass and then kicked it again just for good measure. 
So, now onto the healing part…
This past weekend was gorgeous – the sun was shining, the grass was greening, the birds were singing, the weather was warm enough to say “bye bye winter sweaters”.  I was able to open up the windows and let the fresh air blow throughout the house.  In the evening, we were serenaded by the frogs and toads waking up from their long winter slumber.    Heaven…
I could literally feel the cobwebs blowing from my mind while I sat basking in the sun on our deck with an ice cold beer in hand yesterday afternoon. 
All is right with the world again…  Thanks to everyone for listening to my bitching and moaning these past months – it was much appreciated.


Sarah said…
Yeah winter really is the worst. I feel like a different person when spring rolls around. Glad you are feeling a little happier.
Raven said…
Spring has finally sprung here in Minnesota too. Except for the rain mixed with snow we're supposed to get on Friday. But I'm in denial about that right now cuz the weather was just so perfect today. :D
Brian Miller said…
well hey its spring so put a smile on your face and lets make the most of every minute...
CrazyCris said…
I remember that feeling... enjoy the moment!!!

I get the feeling you're like Mary in the Secret Garden when she rushes in to COlin's room yelling "It's here! It's here!" :o)
Sylvia said…
Here in Portugal we jump too quickly from Winter to Summer. There's 28 degrees outside already. So hot. I like Spring better.
raydenzel1 said…
yes, you have been a poopy head lately.
Glad you are feeling better.
Simply Suthern said…
It seems to have been a tough winter this year all round. Glad your mind is starting to thaw a bit. Soon the flowers will brighten your day.
Beatriz said…
I am with you! Love the summer and spring!

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