Looking Forward...

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…I don’t believe in setting New Year’s resolutions and I don’t plan on setting any this year.   I do plan on making and keeping a few promises to myself.  I know it sounds like the same thing, but in my mind, it’s not. 

My first promise to myself has been to quit wasting time on that stupid Candy Crush game.  I cannot understand why I’ve let it consume so much of my life in 2013, but alas I did.  I deleted it from my phone today.  I’m done being aggravated on a daily basis by that thing.  Ahhh, it feels good.

I also plan on letting go a little more – especially the things I cannot change.  My job sucks.  My co-workers suck.  My boss sucks.  Without a career change, I cannot change any of those problems.  Unless something else magically comes along, I plan on sucking it up and making the best of it until I can move along to sunnier climates. 

This past year, we trimmed television from our lives and it has been a liberating experience.  I can honestly say it was sucking the life out of our household.   We still watch a few of our favorite shows, but the television is not turned on for the sake of it any longer.  I plan on making some more adjustments to how I spend my free-time.   

I plan on eating better – at least adding a few more fruits and vegetables to my diet on a daily basis.

I’ll never be a work-out guru, but I plan on walking more.  Because of the treacherous sidewalks this time of year, I may have to settle for the treadmill until Spring.

I plan on closely examining my personal friendships.  I think there is room for improvement there.

Everything is manageable – in small doses and I’m looking forward to seeing what 2014 has in store…


Beatriz said…
I was introduced to candy crush over thanksgiving and now I'm hooked too! I think I'll follow suit regarding tv but I don't think I'm ready to give up the crush yet :)

Happy New Year!
@ Beatriz - LOL!!! It's a seriously additive game - good luck! Happy New Year to you too!
Brindy said…
Sounds like a continuation of life improvements rather than New Year Resolutions. Bubble Witch was my time waster and I gave it up 6 months ago... I do still give Candy Crush lives to those who ask, maybe I am only feeding their addiction and I should stop.

Happy New Year
Brian Miller said…
ha. i gave up candy crush a few weeks ago...i blame my wife for getting me hooked in....smiles....

i watch little tv....mostly old tv on dvd in the evening with my wife....

happy new year!

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