Neutral = Boring?

I love bright colors. I like being welcomed by the feeling of warmth and cheerfulness when I enter a room. As much as the houses in Architectural Digest are stunning to look at, I don’t think they are meant to be lived in – at least not by me.

I understand that some of the first rules when selling a house is to depersonalize it, remove clutter and keep wall colors neutral. This allows people to see beyond the knick-knacks and color on the walls and picture what their stuff could look like within the rooms. Here’s my dilemma – in my opinion, neutral colors can be too sterile, impersonal and boring.

I’m not saying I intend on keeping the orange walls in The Boy’s bathroom or the fire engine red paint in his bedroom, but I need to find a compromise that will work for us until we sell the house, but I would like to do it now while J is still willing to have me as his “boss”.

We are 98% done the spare room and have finished painting it and in case you’re wondering about the color, we went with a neutral color. Its’ called dolphin. What color is that? Grey or gray – depending on where you’re from. I don’t hate the finished product, I just don’t love it as much as I would have liked. Oh, well – it’s only the spare room, but at least it’s neutral.

Once The Boy moves out in a couple of weeks, his bathroom is next in line for a makeover (shhh he’s doesn’t know yet). He picked out a new shower curtain from Ikea last week and it does not remotely co-ordinate with the orange walls. One would think it would be cheaper and less work to replace the shower curtain than the wall color, but it needs to be done eventually, so I guess there’s no time like the present. Nothing like a hideous incentive to get the ball (and paint roller) rolling.


Brian Miller said…
mmm i have always heard the same thing on colors....and trying to sell...keep it neutral so they can envision it the way they want it...
Simply Suthern said…
I love neutral colors. I might be a tad boring.
Beatriz said…
LOL I love color too but I prefer it in the accessories. I have neutral walls but lots of pops of color around the room. My kindle is thinks it's British, it just tried to spell color with a u.
Miss Angie said…
Hmm, I personally prefer houses that have bright colored walls because it attracts me more to the room and shows me it's potential. I understand the neutral thing, but I think it's a "to each their own" thing because I'd go for a colorful house (that means I don't have to paint it!) any day.
Bobby Allan said…
I've wanted to have the balls to do a bright colored wall(s) but, alas, the best I can do is a red pillow.

Painting? Godspeed.
Brindy said…
I moved into a house which had been neutralised for selling purposes. After 2 years and knowing we shall stay a while longer we are about to start adding colour. Apparently the kitchen will be grey & orange (hubby's domain) and the lounge will have a wall of burgandy (my call).
CrazyCris said…
I like neutral colours, but mostly because I have increadible amount of stuff hanging on the walls and colour-coordinating would be impossible!!! :p

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