Not All at Work is Unpleasant…
Over the course of the past month, I’ve taken the following series of photos of the wildlife here surrounding my work building. We actually are located in the middle of the city, but on a large landscaped property with beautiful courtyards and a manmade pond out front - a perfect haven for some wildlife.
Can you spot the kildeer? She made her nest amongst the tiny pebbles/gravel. I would walk by her every morning and would have a hard time finding her.
The large planters typically make great nests for the Canada Geese; however this year our custodian decided to kybosh the idea and strategically placed sticks in the majority of the planters. If you look closely you can see a planter in the background with the sticks.
This goose however was one step ahead.
Then, last week...I came to work to see this little surprise. She had 6 babies (goslings).
Then by the next day...they were moving out of the planter, into the world beyond.
Dad decided to show up - better late than never I guess...
They are rather resourceful tho.