Life Out of The Box...

While creeping the internet and investigating potential places to call home once our early retirement kicks in, I have stumbled upon some blogs, featuring amazing people, doing amazing things in places I hope to one day visit, or perhaps settle down in the future. Somewhere I can also make a difference.

One particular blog, I would like to share with you owned by a young, fearless couple currently making a difference in the lives of many children in Nicaragua. Jonathon and Quinn operate LOOTB (Life Out of the Box). What is LOOTB?

Well, according to their site:

“Life Out of the Box is about pursuing your dreams and doing what you love by stepping out of the typical box and making it happen no matter what. It’s one thing to be able to think differently, but it’s another to actually act on those thoughts. We want to inspire people to be a doer, not just a dreamer.

It’s also about giving back to the world while making your dreams come true. Life Out of the Box wants to not only inspire people in the first world to always go after their dreams, but it wants to give kids in the third world the tools to be able to do the same as well.”

In order to help those kids follow their dreams, LOOTB sells bracelets made in Nicaragua and the proceeds from the bracelets are used to purchase school supplies, which are given to children in Nicaragua.

So, it works like this:

1. First, you go to the LOOTB store and make a purchase;

2. Shipping is quick and efficient and in a week or so, you have your bracelet, which has a number on it;

3. The proceeds from your purchase are then used to purchase school supplies;

4. Once your school supplies are gifted to the child, you will receive a link to your child, showing the impact that your simple purchase made.

I can tell you from experience, it’s an awesome feeling not only to help a child, but to receive a fantastic bracelet which is a constant reminder of why I continue to show up a work every day. My current situation will soon lead me to my dreams and I’ll soon be LOOTB.

I purchased a bracelet similar to this one. You can find the link to their store here.

Photo Courtesy of LOOTB
Today, I received a link to my child, Joseph. Check it out - it's pretty cool!

Now, I dare you to follow your dreams and live Life Out of the Box.


Rachel said…
That's awesome! I sponsor a kid in Mexico and getting pictures of her is the best part.
Brian Miller said…
oh very cool...the LOOTB idea is really cool and it is def inspiring to see people living their dreams....good stuff on sponsoring the child as well...we have sponsored a child in africa...
Beatriz said…
That's really cool! Are you considering Nicaragua?
@Beatriz - we are considering Nica as well. We hope to take an exploratory trip early next year.
Bobby Allan said…
This is way cool. Thanks for sharing.
CrazyCris said…
Very cool! :o)

You're considering Nicaragua as well??? That's how many lovely countries now? Ecuador, Panama, Bonaire, Nicaragua... am I missing any? However will you decide?! Good luck with that!!! ;o)

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