Getting My Glue On…

I’ve never considered myself a crafter. I don’t like felt, craft foam, glitter or sequins, BUT I do love my glue gun. It’s a heavy duty industrial model – not one of those wimpy crafty ones. It’s a manly glue gun (if there is such a thing) and I have the burn marks and blisters on my fingers to prove it.

Anyhow, I’ve taken a bit of a break from the jewelry side of things to explore my other creative side – the one where I get to use the glue gun.

Soooo, here is what I’ve created with some picture frames from the dollar store, some white spray paint, some glue and of course, some of my sea glass treasures.  The photos in the frames are courtesy of J.  I think I’ve found another excuse to go on vacation…I need more glass and J needs more photos!

You would not believe what sea glass picture frames have been selling for on Etsy by other artists. Let’s just say, I could quit my day job if I sold enough of them.


Simply Suthern said…
Those are really nice but they are a bit large to hang from the ears.
Brian Miller said…
booyah...may be a way to fund your move....pretty cool...
Beatriz said…
How pretty! I was sort of hoping for a pic of your manly glue gun ;)
Sarah said…
Go for it! Or use it as another side business to get to your retirement goal faster! They are very pretty!
CrazyCris said…
Pretty! Your artsy side is going to bring your 5-year plan closer every day! :o)

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