Travel Vacations...

Let me first start by saying that I have no experience in this area, but am slowly gathering some knowledge through my research while trying to help The Boy “discover himself”. Truth is - I’m trying to get him out of my house and into the world…

Although, I joke about his wasted college days, I don’t see anything that helps you decide the things you DON’T want to do in life as a total waste. Yes, money has been spent on school that could have been better spent elsewhere. Enough said… I’m not dwelling on that. Moving forward…

So, The Boy is once again at a crossroads of what he wants to do with his life. He’s tried three separate college programs (broadcast television, business marketing and most recently, culinary management) and none seem to be fulfilling a need in his life. While he enjoys culinary, it’s not something he can see himself making a long term career out of. He’s a hard worker, but just doesn’t have the passion for it.

With all that being said, it’s been discussed (and strongly suggested by me) that perhaps before he jumps into another misguided college program, he needs to get out into the real world and experience something beyond his doorstep. This is where getting him out of my house comes along…

He wants to travel to Europe with a buddy in the Fall, but he has suddenly realized that he owes a lot of money on his student line of credit and while he has the money saved for Europe, he’d rather not spend it frivolously and this is causing him some anxiety because he doesn’t want to let his buddy down by backing out of the trip.

I’ve suggested on numerous occasions that perhaps he should consider a work-abroad exchange program and on numerous occasions, he has turned the idea down…until yesterday!

Suddenly it’s a path he’s decided to go down. He’s started to research the programs available to him, the countries participating in the programs, jobs available, visa requirements, etc. He’s still got to convince his buddy to go along with him, but I don’t foresee that as being a problem.

I couldn’t be happier. I think this may be just the opportunity he needs to find his niche in life. Don’t get me wrong – the idea of him traveling and working abroad freaks me out a little, but not as much as the prospect of him living forever in my basement does.


Beatriz said…
Wish I had thought of that when I was in college. It could have changed my path completely! And congrats on freeing up the basement ;)
raydenzel1 said…
I think everyone should have the opportunity to do that, at any age. good post.
CrazyCris said…
Brilliant! I've often wished I knew about those programmes before I hit the age limit! I'm totally jealous of the people who can take advantage of those young work visas... and can't understand when they don't!

I don't know if the programme exists in Europe... but it does in both Australia and New Zealand! Which are both FANTASTIC countries! I've been to both: gorgeous, lots to see and do, fabulous people... Granted very far away from home, but still and anglo-society so shouldn't be too much of a culture shock...

Then there are other countries where you can easily go work as an English teacher...

Tell him to look up "gap years", the Brits have lots of information on that!

damn I'm jealous! :p

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