Isn't She Pretty?

Allow me to introduce…Stella….

“Stella” is what I am fondly calling my new photo backpack - my Tamrac Expedition 6X photo backpack.

I know what you’re asking – why the hell do I need a photo back? Well, it seems that J thinks I’m getting off too easy when we travel and that I need to start sharing the “load”, so Stella is his way of passing over some of his 30 lbs of camera equipment to me (read: I’m being transformed into a pack-mule).

I must admit that I’m a little sad to be saying goodbye to Juan (photo not included). Juan is a little tired from all of our adventures, but he’s still got it going on…and man he’s ruggedly handsome and holds a lot of stuff and none of it is camera related (read: 4 bottles of rum). If it wasn’t for J needing to carry an excessive amount of photo gear, Juan would be the one venturing to the Philippines with me. *sigh*

Honestly, I don’t mind really since the backpack seems to be made to fit a female frame (read: shorter person). Unlike a lot of the photo backpacks out there – it’s smaller, lighter, has great padding in the shoulder straps and lumbar area. It also has a separate compartment for my laptop and lots of little pockets and compartments for my stuff (aka snacks, sleep mask, chapstick, more snacks, iPod, headset, souvenirs). Although, J has informed me that those compartments are actually intended for camera related stuff. We’ll just see about that…



Simply Suthern said…
Nice pack. I have a similar one I carry my laptop in.

Is that all the room you made for your snacks?
@Simply Suthern - That's all the room J would allocate for my snacks. I have another carry-on/purse where I'll carry the rest!
Beatriz said…
I'm getting excited and I'm not even going! Hope you have a great time!
Brian Miller said…
nice...that is a very cool backpack....
raydenzel1 said…
I suppose the hat with the beer and the straw didn't make the cut?

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